symsrv 0.2.0

A Microsoft symsrv symbol server consumer (downloader + cache)


This crate lets you download and cache symbol files from symbol servers, according to the rules from the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.

It exposes an async API and uses reqwest and tokio::fs.

The downloaded symbols are stored and never evicted.

Microsoft Documentation


use std::path::PathBuf;
use symsrv::{get_symbol_path_from_environment, SymbolCache};

# fn use_pdb_bytes(b: &[u8]) {}
# async fn wrapper() -> Result<(), symsrv::Error> {
// Parse the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.
let symbol_path =

// Create a symbol cache which follows the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH recipe.
let symbol_cache = SymbolCache::new(symbol_path, false);

// Download and cache a PDB file.
let relative_path: PathBuf =
["dcomp.pdb", "648B8DD0780A4E22FA7FA89B84633C231", "dcomp.pdb"].iter().collect();
let file_contents = symbol_cache.get_file(&relative_path).await?;

// Use the PDB file contents.
# Ok(())
# }